50:1 Student to Coach Model

Why Our 50:1 Student Success Coach Model Works

At Thrive Point High School, we invest an incredible amount of time and resources in our students’ success!

Our fifty-student-to-one Student Success Coach model provides our students and parents with a dedicated point of contact for one-on-one support! Thrive Point’s team of Student Success Coaches are energetic and positive individuals who embrace a holistic approach to student support and advocate for their students. They provide students and families with access to highly engaging and interactive academic experiences through virtual and face-to-face opportunities designed to meet the needs of our student population.

Our Coaches embrace communication, a personalized approach to education, a collaborative spirit, and a passion for doing what is best for students first. Their entire role is based on supporting students as they navigate lessons and courses tailored to ensure academic success.


A Better Education

Our Student Success Coaches are mentors with a genuine passion for supporting students. They believe ALL students can succeed when given opportunities to identify, build, and achieve their academic and personal goals with proper support.

The Game Plan

Our Student Success Coaches play a critical role in student participation and engagement. Their goal is to communicate, push, encourage, guide, lift up, and celebrate their students. It is their job to prepare students to be successful in all classes, equip students to have the confidence to problem solve, support their efforts to pursue their goals, and help identify areas of growth and strengths. Simply put, they are tasked with putting together a winning game plan and holding students accountable to following it and learning to trust the process.

What Makes Our Student Success Coaches Special?



Critical to the success of each Coach’s “team” is the energy they bring to both the whole and individual. Our Coaches are highly positive, reminding all students that they are their biggest fans and support. They buy into the academic options Thrive Point provides and truly believe we have a winning game plan for students.


Our Coaches understand the importance of communication and are experts at it. They clearly define the parameters students are to work within, listen and identify needs, are not afraid to have honest conversations, and respect their colleagues, utilizing the resources they have to offer students as appropriate. Daily, weekly, and monthly communication goals, tasks, and expectations are laid out from the beginning and established as expectations for all. Coaches also listen and learn who their students are to support them in relevant ways. Additionally, Coaches establish accountability goals. Through weekly record-keep efforts, they monitor student progress, collect work samples, and ensure student folders are kept up to date.


Student Success Coaches care about all students and have a passion for working with students that are considered at-risk or simply need additional and different kind of support. Our Coaches fight for our students, walk alongside them, and support them as they pursue their goals. As advocates, our Coaches identify needs and provide resources for their students both academic and personal in nature.


Student Success Coaches are tasked with and embrace the opportunity to empower students to respond to challenges and actively compete in fast-paced 21st century learning and workplace environments. It’s not enough to provide academic support and access only. Thrive Point students need to have confidence in their ability to think critically, problem solve, work with others, and not shy away from challenges. Our Coaches work diligently with students in both individual and group settings to practice these tools, engage in meaningful conversation and to provide students with tools to confidently move through their coursework and pursue personal goals. Mini lessons designed by our team of Coaches helpful skills and a safe environment to grow and learn how to use these tools.


Innovation doesn’t begin and end with leadership. Our Coaches are encouraged to identify student needs and ways they can meet them. They are challenged to ask, “Is it good for students?” If the answer is yes, then dig deeper. Learn more. Find ways to engage students in a manner they are responsive to. Meet them where they are at. We recognize that there are many ways to reach the goal when a shared goal is agreed upon and everyone is working toward it. When students see a willingness to approach things from different angles, they are being exposed to a valuable skill set themselves. Our Coaches aren’t afraid to try new things, to learn more about new processes, technology, skills, etc in an effort to best meet the needs of students and create even more efficient ways to operate as an organization.

Collaborative Teammates

A non-negotiable vein that runs through Thrive Point is a commitment to working as a team. Our Coaches are a united front. They build one another up, share resources, communicate, and support one another in any way they can. They recognize that each team member brings unique skills to the table and they are to be embraced and utilized. Our Coaches work hand-in-hand with Lead Teachers, tutors, enrollment, support staff, and the leadership team. The goal is the same; to support student success and to build students up, allowing them reach their goals. Our Coaches are committed to personal and team growth. As such, regular opportunities are built into their schedules and they participate, listen, lead, and work together to implement proven practices designed around the whole student.

Strategic Educators

Utilizing multiple tools, Coaches are integral in the implementation of interventions and supports built into their students’ Program of Study. Tools such as Renaissance STAR assessments identify individual areas of growth for students that are bridged and addressed with appropriate learning software. Our Coaches are responsible for ensuring students are completing required assessments and demonstrating growth over the course of the school year in these areas. Coaches also design mini lessons as previously mentioned. As they get to know their students, they direct these topics at targeted students and groups.

Professional Development Junkies

Our Coaches love learning opportunities! They participate in regular professional development that supports school improvement, student growth, and professional growth. Along with schoolwide commitments and initiatives, our coaches are expected to identify at least one area of professional growth annually and to identify training, resources, and supports that promote their own professional growth.

Working for ThrivePoint has been one of the best opportunities I’ve had in my career. What I love most about my job is being able to see students succeed, and to be the person I needed in high school. I also get the opportunity to build strong and unique relationships with each and one of my students, and that motivates me to continue to do what I do. Not to mention the wonderful staff I’ve had the opportunity to work with as well.

SSC Ms. Briana