Choose an Accredited Online High School in
Phoenix, AZ
True education shouldn’t be one size fits all

One-on-one teacher support

Flexible school schedule to work at your own pace

Small class sizes for a more personalized education.

Freedom so you can take care of school and other interests
More families are searching for nearby high schools around Phoenix, AZ, rather than simply attending the high school in their assigned district. With a growing trend toward alternative high schools virtual high schools, ThrivePoint High School is quickly becoming a popular choice for students in Phoenix, AZ, and throughout the state. As a free online high school, there’s no better way to earn a high school diploma online without the investment many online schools require. With a team of dedicated teachers, your child can get the high school education they need, along with summer school classes if needed.

Enjoy Flexible Scheduling
At our online high school in Phoenix, AZ, your student will enjoy the flexible scheduling they need, making it ideal for those who have a job or participate in other activities. Earning a high school diploma online allows teenagers to do more with their lives without sacrificing their quality of education. We offer various programs designed to meet your child’s needs, be it online summer programs for high school students to improve on a particular subject or alternative part-time high schools around Phoenix, AZ, to help support the family. Our teachers approach each student with the compassionate assistance they need to do their best and succeed.

A Free Online High School
Many virtual high schools charge enrollment fees for their students. However, when you choose our high school, you won’t pay anything, just as if you were enrolling in a nearby high school in Phoenix, AZ. With various classes available, including many electives, your child can craft the education they need to move on to the next phase in their lives, whether that’s college or the workforce. It’s our goal to help all our students succeed.
If you’re interested in our online high school or summer programs for high school students in Phoenix, AZ, contact us today to learn how to enroll your child.
Accredited Online High School Near Me in Phoenix, AZ
Part-Time High School
Create your own path in an environment that allows you to set the pace, the schedule, and the way you learn to earn your high school diploma.