Online High School For Students In Flagstaff, AZ

Traditional high school classes are not the ideal learning environments for many students in and around Flagstaff, AZ. These students may find the pace of traditional classrooms too fast or too slow, or they may have health issues, obligations, or other factors that prevent them from attending a high school campus.

Today, thanks to technology, students in any area of Arizona can now complete a virtual online high school program that provides the same level of education as an in-person school. ThrivePoint High School is a leader in offering accredited high school online courses for students from 9th through 12th grade. We offer different options in online learning to meet the needs of students from summer school courses, and credit recovery classes, or to complete a high school diploma online for free.

Credit Recovery Programs

Attending ThrivePoint High School Free High School Online

We make it easy for students and families in Flagstaff, AZ, and across the state to complete our alternative online high school program. We provide full support for the enrollment process, and our staff is here to ensure students starting our online school 9th-grade program, or any high school grade, choose the courses that fit their learning needs and also allow them to graduate with the required 22 high school credits, tests, and the ECAP or Education Career Action Plan required by the State of Arizona.

Students taking our 9th-grade courses 10th class online study program, 11th grade online school, or completing their education with our online education for class 12 will have the complete support of our certified teachers.

This includes parents and students meeting with our teachers on an ongoing basis throughout the courses. Our learning periods are six weeks in length, and students take two courses per learning period. These are self-paced courses, which means some students can accelerate their learning and move through the curriculum faster, allowing them to graduate sooner and move on to future academic programs or to enter their career path.

The online school for high school students provides the opportunity to complete one or more courses or take their entire high school program through ThrivePoint High School. Students who successfully meet the requirements of the Arizona Department of Education will receive an official high school diploma from ThrivePoint High School, which is the same as a diploma from any high school across the state.

Students can also choose to take our summer online classes. High school students can use these classes to graduate early by completing both core or elective courses based on their preferences and requirements. This is also a great way for students to recover credits if needed. Keep in mind that, like our online classes throughout the academic year, summer school courses are self-paced and are 100% online, making it easy for students to work, travel, or meet other obligations while earning credits.

ThrivePoint High School provides recovery credits throughout the school year. Our enrollment specialists are available to help students and their parents choose the right program and courses. To get started, call us today at 602-769-3036.

Course Structure


6 week courses


Enrolling every week


Take 2 classes every 6 weeks


In-Person Campus Option


One-on-one teacher support

Online High School Contact Details


Main Phone:


Enrollment Team:

Part-Time High School

Create your own path in an environment that allows you to set the pace, the schedule, and the way you learn to earn your high school diploma.