Virtual High Schools Are Accredited
In Arizona, fully-accredited online high schools is held to the same academic standards as traditional high schools. So, students graduating from an online high school will receive their high school diploma, affording them the same benefits as graduates from traditional high schools.
Virtual High Schools Offer a Flexible Learning Schedule
One of the biggest advantages of a virtual high school is the flexibility offered. Students can complete their coursework on their own time, meaning they’re able to work for their classes around other commitments such as work and extracurricular activities. For students that find sitting in a classroom for long periods of time challenging, or simply work better when they’re in control of the pace, this flexibility may be just what they need.
Virtual High Schools Provide a Quality Education
Online high schools offer the same minimum course of study as traditional high schools. This means all core and elective courses required to receive a high school diploma are available to students. In many cases, online high schools even offer intervention, recovery, and enrichment courses as well. Unique to the online setting is the level of 1:1 support students have access to in the online environment. This support coupled with the flexibility afforded online students provides wonderful opportunities for academic success.
With so many benefits, ThrivePoint High School is a great option for parents who are looking for an alternative to the traditional education model. Give us a call today for more information at (602) 769-3036.