Meet Yazmine, our Learning Center Coordinator at Avondale!

by | Sep 5, 2024 | Blog, Meet our ThrivePoint Staff!

Yazmine Terrazas is the Learning Center Coordinator for ThrivePoint High School in Avondale, AZ.

Yaz, as we call her, is so inspiring to our students and other staff that we thought you would like to learn more about her!

Watch our interview below and read more after.


Q: Describe your role as a Learning Center Coordinator (LCC) at ThrivePoint High School in Avondale.

A: We have a safe and effective learning environment. I provide support and guidance to not only the students and families but also to the staff on the campus. As the LCC, I’m always looking for ways to engage with the community.

Q: How would you describe the learning environment at your campus?

A: Here at Avondale [our environment] is flexible and personalized. We really look into what the needs of each student are and how we can cater to those needs. We have a very positive and supportive team of educators, and we’re just truly focused on helping the students succeed. Overall, we just have a very safe and inclusive learning environment for the students.

Q:  Can you share some of the strategies that you use to support students who may be struggling academically or personally?

A: We also have Coaches that are good at identifying why students are struggling academically or personally. Coaches will co-create and give their students a Success Plan which really allows them to see and think about their futures. Because we have that personalized approach, we can really tailor our lessons to meet the students’ unique needs, so naturally they feel more connected to their education. We help students set short term and long-term goals, like their Next Big Step after high school.

We have (an online course system) with resources already embedded. If they’re struggling academically, we have a program that meets them at their current academic levels and helps them progress from there. We also meet with students and parents to find out if something is going on at home, so we can better support them. We also set up tutoring sessions with teachers.

Q: Can you share a success story of a student who has significantly benefited from the support and resources at the Avondale campus?

A: Last year we had a student who came to us as a senior, but she was deficient in credit. She really wanted to graduate on time, but she needed to catch up all the classes that she missed out on in her previous school. Her coach and I got to know her a little bit better and realized that she didn’t feel supported at her previous school.  She said she wasn’t smart enough and that several educators didn’t provide her with the support she needed. She felt like she would never be able to get a high school diploma.

We quickly realized that she had a hard time typing on the computer and taking notes. So, we taught her how to take notes and came up with her individualized plan. We connected her to work closely with a teacher, as well.

She caught up two years’ worth of high school in one year! She was finishing classes in one week or two weeks, even some she finished in just a few days! She was extremely motivated—coming in Monday through Friday for eight hours a day.  She was on track to graduate!

When she got her diploma, she let us know that she was the first in her entire family to graduate high school. This was really a big accomplishment and something she never even thought was possible before coming to us. We helped her get enrolled into the local Community College, where she is now!

Q: How do you involve parents and guardians in the educational process at Avondale?

A: We really like to keep the parents and guardians involved in the educational process by sending out weekly Pulse Reports, which gives the parents and guardians an idea of where their student is, like if they’re falling behind on their on their courses if they’re on track. Coaches also send out weekly emails, texts and calls and meet with parents one-on-one as needed.

I send Friday emails to all parents and guardians, updating them on important deadlines and upcoming events on the campus, like career and college readiness. I also call parents regularly and meet with them in person.

Q: What role does the community play in supporting the students in the Learning Center at the Avondale campus?

We partner with local businesses in our community to provide students with internships and volunteer hours. For example, we have a barbershop next door that lets students go over and shadow the barbers. They also give them discounted haircuts! These types of partnerships really allow students to gain life skills and explore potential career paths. We also have career days where we invite community professionals or military leaders to inspire the students. A lot of our students actively participate in volunteer organizations. We host a food drive and a toy drive. We partner with our nearest West Mec so students can courses there, like cosmetology, diesel mechanic, aviation mechanic, veterinary science, coding, or drones and earn elective hours that count towards their high school diploma.

Q: What are some of the goals or initiatives you have for the future of the Learning Center at Avondale?

A: I’d like to create student clubs or have workshops more geared towards college and career readiness. Also, I’d like a student government or leadership program where students can make school decisions and learn leadership skills.