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Our Affiliations

50:1 Coach to Student Ratio
As a student, if you are struggling in a traditional school, the problem might not be you! Many students do not fit the standard education model. ThrivePoint High School may be just the thing to help you succeed and prepare for your future!
Our students work with their own Student Success Coaches, who check in with them weekly, answer any questions they have, advocate for them, and help them take their Next Big Steps after graduation.
Whether our students attend online or in-person, they can visit any of our campuses across Phoenix for one-on-one teaching and tutoring from our accredited teaching staff!
We are a B-rated Public Charter School
offering Programs and Pathways to
Future Achievement
Our Accredited Curriculum Ensures Students Success!
We offer multiple in-person and online high school classes to choose from that will boost student engagement, motivation, and enable each student to meet their individual learning needs. As a premier, B-rated charter high school in Arizona, with proven success at 100% On Track to Graduate, we place the highest importance on the quality of our education.
Our well-rounded curriculum includes a wide selection of required high school courses and electives. Our amazing teachers and staff share the same passion with us, which is to help students realize their goals and prepare better for the future!

Preparing Students for Their Next Big Step
At ThrivePoint High School, we are dedicated to preparing our students for a successful future. Our rigorous and personalized curriculum, combined with a supportive and inclusive community, helps students develop the skills, knowledge, and character necessary to thrive in college, career, and life. Through a range of academic, extracurricular, and leadership opportunities, students gain the confidence and experience needed to succeed in today’s rapidly changing world. Whether pursuing a college degree, vocational training, or entering the workforce, or military our graduates are well-equipped to achieve their goals and make a positive impact in their communities.

Ready To Enroll? We Have Classes Starting Every Week!
Follow your path.
For students that break the mold, ThrivePoint High School frees you to create your own path.

Flexibility You Control

Personalized Education Plan Designed For You

Achieve Your Goals Faster

Career & College Readiness Program

High-Quality Accredited Curriculum

Graduation Stories

Different students with unique needs come through our doors

Advanced or Independent Learners

College & Career Focused

Need Additional Resources or Support

Looking for Flexible Schedules

Personalized Learning Experience

Students In Remote Areas

Looking for a K-8 option in Arizona? We’d like to introduce you to Calibre Academy!
Committed To Excellence In Education (Teacher Salaries)
ThrivePoint High School is committed to our students, staff, teachers and the importance of the quality of our education. In accordance with A.R.S. §15-189.05, as added by Laws 2018, Ch. 285, §3, a school’s budget shall include the prominent display of the average salary of all teachers employed by the school for the budget and prior years, and the increase in the average salary of all teachers employed by the school for the budget year reported in dollars and percentage. Schools must also prominently post this information on their website home page separately from its budget.
Information is available to parents and guardians about the educational and teaching backgrounds in a particular academic content subject for all current employees upon request per ARS 15-183(F).